Catching the Next Gen-AI Train

AI’s influence is on an upward trajectory. Forward-thinking organizations are channeling significant investments into AI-driven initiatives. However, there’s an underlying sentiment of unease; despite the infusion of resources, a considerable number of enterprises feel unprepared to harness the full potential of AI.


This hesitation can be attributed to two predominant challenges. The first challenge involves pinpointing the exact sectors within the organization where AI can deliver added value or optimize efficiency. The second and perhaps more crucial challenge concerns the human element. There’s a noticeable gap in employee capability regarding AI proficiency.

This document intends to shine shed light on both challenges. We will delve into the AI tool landscape from the perspective of an IT organization. We begin with an overview of how we utilized an AI database for AI tool screening before we dive into five categories for AI tool usage. We introduce each category, discuss its purpose and tool range, and introduce standout representatives. We close with a conclusion and outlook. 

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